Wednesday, 12 April 2017

"Nollywood is making rapid advancements but there is still room for improvement." – Moses Babatope

Moses Babatope, Group Executive Director, Film House Cinemas, in an interview with News Agency Nigeria, discussed the current state of the Nigerian movie industry and his view of the industry’s future.

"If government gives more attention to the (film and TV) industry, it will grow phenomenally to become a major employer of labour"
- Moses Babatope

Commenting on the screening rate of Nigerian movies in comparison to foreign films, he said, “Nigerian films are now showing more than foreign films, and I think it is worthy of emulation and celebration that this is happening in our time”.
Mr. Babatope noted however, that for this trend to continue, support from the government or financial institutions is necessary. The film industry in Nigeria is becoming a good investment option as consumption platforms have increased. Cinemas are no longer the only place to see movies, meaning a bigger audience and greater incentive for advertisers.
A strong film industry is a boost to any economy, and Mr. Babatope urged the Nigerian government to focus more resources on the entertainment industry saying, “If government gives more attention to the industry, it will grow phenomenally to become a major employer of labour’’.

Mr. Babatope also mentioned the recent digital switch-over initiated by the Government that led to the creation of more TV stations. He mentioned that this will lead to more opportunities for content creators, since these stations will be eager to provide the right content for their viewers.

All in all, the future is bright for the Nigerian film and TV industry, as long as content creators and financiers take full advantage of technology and pay close attention to audience feedback to create TV shows and movies that will yield good returns on the investment.

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This interview was originally published by News Agency Nigeria.


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